Ft. Washington Marina Demolition

This project consisted of mobilizing our tug and crane barge from our Baltimore facility to support the removal of over 1,500 LF of timber piles and 1,100 LF of steel pipe piles. Our team also dismantled and disposed of 10,000 SF of aging floating dock structures and terminated the utilities at the bulkhead.
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Related Projects

Holcim LaFarge Fender Replacement
Specialty Underwater Services (SUS), was awarded the work to provide selective demolition of the existing steel and UHMW fender panel system at the existing Loading Platform Bulkhead. Work consisted of the extraction of 16 existing 12x53 H Piles 80’ in length and the fabrication of a new steel fender panel system utilizing 14x73 H-Piles and 12”x12” timber blocks. The new system was sandblasted and coated prior to installation. SUS used a 44B Ice vibrator hammer to drive 11 new 14x73 H-Piles 85’ long with the new panels field welded to the H-Piles to complete the new fender system.

Installation of Day Beacon Channel Markers
SUS performed the removal of 20 each Concrete Anchored Marine Navaigational Buoys and replaced them with the installation of 20 pile-supported channel markers along a key section of the Intracoastal Waterway, stretching from Little Egg Harbor to the Metedeconk River. This project enhances the safety and navigability of this busy waterway.
The project involved driving 70 linear foot pipe piles at precise GPS coordinates utilizing a 200 ton crane situated on a 155’ x 55’ ABS-rated crane barge. Once driven, fabricated steel hangers along with Owner supplied day beacons and marker lights were installed using a telescopic boom lift secured to the crane barge. All work was performed in close coordination with the USCG and a disabled veterans construction firm.

Lake Lariat
SUS inspected the existing marine structure catwalk, removed it and installed a new structural catwalk.

Anne Arundel County Fire Line Install
SUS installed a new fire line for Anne Arundel County. Our team mobilized to excavate and remove an existing 6-inch fire line, replacing it with a durable 6-inch HDPE fire line tailored for long-term use. In addition to the pipeline work, SUS installed a roadside adaptor, enabling the Anne Arundel County Fire Department to quickly connect to the water supply in emergency situations.
Havre De Grace Wastewater Treatment Plant
SUS mobilized and installed a concrete support pad to hold a prefabricated storage shed. SUS also excavated and installed 2” and 12” HDPE pipes to be used as the air delivery system.

RT6 Bridge
Specialty Underwater Services was contracted to perform work for Concrete General, Inc and Maryland State Highway Administration to assist in the repairs to Maryland Route 6, New Market Turner Road over Persimmon Creek. The work consisted of the installation of 2 each 60’ long test piles and62 each 60’ long production piles utilizing 12 x53HP’s. The project also required the installation 2each 3 sided coffer cells with 46 pair of PZC18sheet piling - 50 feet in length. The coffer cells also including the installation of 2 wales.
Cobb Island
Our 80-ton crane barge was mobilized to Cobb Island to remove multiple timber pile obstructions from the Neal Sound Channel, making the navigable waters safe for vessel traffic.

Boxman Studios Sea Containers
SUS was chartered for a unique project that required taking delivery of two custom fabricated, restaurant-equipped sea containers at our waterfront fleeting facility in Baltimore, and placing and securing them onto our deck barge. After the containers were secure, SUS then delivered them by water and set them with our heavy lift crane barge onto a newly renovated pier at RobinsonLanding.

Center Point Marine Terminal
SUS was contracted for the condition survey and pier construction repairs consisting of heavy timber cap beam and crossbracing replacement. Working hand-in-hand with a unique mix of marine construction and diving personnel, SUS completed this project within a few days and allowed the terminal to stay active during the work. The team also completed some localized debris removal near the mooring area for safety.

National Harbor Marina
Specialty Underwater Services (SUS) pile driving crews were called out on multiple occasions from our Baltimore waterfront facility to provide some quick needed work for the boating season. On one trip timber piles were removed and disposed of properly and replaced new piles. In addition, damaged facial timbers and hardware were replaced and new hardware was installed at the floating dock connection. Subsequent trips included the removal and disposal and replacement of timber piles.

Ft. Washington Marina Demolition
This project consisted of mobilizing our tug and crane barge from our Baltimore facility to support the removal of over 1,500 LF of timber piles and 1,100 LF of steel pipe piles. Our team also dismantled and disposed of 10,000 SF of aging floating dock structures and terminated the utilities at the bulkhead.

Robinson Landing
Specialty Underwater Services was contracted to provide Pier Rehabilitation. The work consisted of the removal of the existing Timber Structures, Dolphins and Piles along with the demolition and removal of the existing boathouse, light poles and pier handrails. Once the demolition work was completed concrete repairs were made to the under-deck of pier, the pier deck itself and the concrete curbs. New Concrete curb was installed along with structural steel repairs. A new “D” fender was installed around the pier and the sheet pile wall was extended for the bulkhead and a new concrete cap was poured.
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