Working Above & Below The Waterline
Specialty Underwater Services (SUS) specializes in both commercial diving and marine construction including bridges, dams, pipelines, intakes, outfalls, repairs, inspection services, piers and wharfs, and other public safety and local agency needs.
Whether it is a simple one-day job, a multi-faceted project, or an emergency response, our veteran staff has extensive experience in marine construction, enabling us to safely and successfully complete all tasks.

Your Trusted Partner for Marine Construction & Diving
SUS is a leading marine construction company. With our expertise, we can serve as a General/Prime Contractor or Subcontractor. Our ability to successfully perform projects above and below the waterline also enables us to work with engineering firms, power companies, and environmental firms, as well as federal entities and DOTs.
As an affiliate of Brayman Construction Corporation, SUS leverages a wealth of resources and capabilities, providing a comprehensive range of services. This unique partnership ensures that we deliver efficiency, quality, and reliability in every project we undertake.
Marine Construction
Marine Demolition & Salvage
Commercial Diving
Shoreline Restoration & Enhancement
Repairs & Maintenance
Quick Mobilization
Working from two geographic locations, Pittsburgh, PA and Baltimore, MD, allows us to quickly mobilize and respond to all types of projects and emergencies throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast region. We are proud of our relationships with existing clients and are confident their recommendations, along with our portfolio of experience, demonstrate our ability to deliver a quality product consistently across various industries.
Our Services & Capabilities
We believe performance and customer service go hand-in-hand.
SUS offers a wide range of commercial diving and marine construction services. With our experienced team and state-of-the-art equipment, we are able to provide top-quality solutions for working above and below the waterline.
As a member of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI), SUS strictly adheres to all guidelines established by this organization along with OSHA, U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Our full-time staff is comprised of certified divers with extensive underwater construction and inspection experience.

Marine Construction
- Boat Ramp Installation
- Breakwater & Revetments
- Bulkhead Installation & Repairs
- Cofferdam Structures
- Crane Barge Services
- Debris Boom Installation
- Marine Fender Installation
- Marine Crane & Barge Services
- Mooring & Dolphin Demolition & Installation
- Offshore Range Lights & Towers
- Pier & Wharf Construction & Repairs
- Pile Driving
- Piling Rehabilitation/Repair & Installation
- Rentals & Charters
- Turbidity Curtain Installation
- Waterfront Fleeting & Load Out Access
- Welding—Certified Topside
- Wharf Demolition

Commercial Diving
- Bridge & Pier Rehabilitation
- Bulkhead Repair
- Cathodic Protection Installation/Maintenance
- Grouting
- Hazardous Waste Diving
- Intake/Discharge Pipeline Work
- Potable Water Treatment Facilities
- ROV Inspections
- Traveling Water Screen Inspection & Repairs
- Utility Line Tracking
- Underwater Anchor Placements
- Underwater Certified Weld Repairs (AWS Standards)
- Underwater Demolition
- Underwater Exothermic Burning

- Bottom Condition Surveys
- Cable Locating & Mapping
- Deep Dives Requiring Depression Chambers
- Diffuser Repair & Installation
- FERC Inspections
- Gates & Water Control Structures
- Intakes & Outfalls
- Leak Detecting
- Mechanical & Structural Inspections
- Non-Destructive Testing
- Pipeline Penetration Diving
- Potable Water Treatment Facilities
- Protection Systems
- Underwater Sediment Sampling
- Underwater Video & Still Photography
- Vessel Inspections
- Waste/Water Treatment Facilities

Marine Demolition & Salvage
- Barge & Vessel Repairs
- Crane Barge Services
- Debris Removal
- Dive Support
- HAZMAT Services
- Heavy Lift
- Recovery Operations for Commercial & Recreational Vessels
- Refloating of Vessels
- Salvage of Commercial Vessels (Tugs, Barges & Aircraft)
- Salvage of Recreational Vessels (Yachts, Houseboats, etc.)
- Underwater Demolition

Shoreline Restoration & Enhancement
- RipRap & Hardscaping
- Shoreline Enhancement

Repairs & Maintenance
- Anode & Cathodic Protection Systems
- Bridge & Pier Substructure Maintenance & Repairs
- Crack Injection Repairs
- Gate Valve Repairs
- Pile Repairs including use of Pile Jackets
- Pipeline Repairs
- Scour Protection & Stabilization
- Structural Restoration
- Substructure Concrete Repairs
- Timber, Steel & Concrete Repairs
- Trash Rack Repair & Cleaning
- Above & Below Water Weld Repairs
SUS Projects

National Harbor Marina
Specialty Underwater Services (SUS) pile driving crews were called out on multiple occasions from our Baltimore waterfront facility to provide some quick needed work for the boating season. On one trip timber piles were removed and disposed of properly and replaced new piles. In addition, damaged facial timbers and hardware were replaced and new hardware was installed at the floating dock connection. Subsequent trips included the removal and disposal and replacement of timber piles.

Ft. Washington Marina Demolition
This project consisted of mobilizing our tug and crane barge from our Baltimore facility to support the removal of over 1,500 LF of timber piles and 1,100 LF of steel pipe piles. Our team also dismantled and disposed of 10,000 SF of aging floating dock structures and terminated the utilities at the bulkhead.

Robinson Landing
Specialty Underwater Services was contracted to provide Pier Rehabilitation. The work consisted of the removal of the existing Timber Structures, Dolphins and Piles along with the demolition and removal of the existing boathouse, light poles and pier handrails. Once the demolition work was completed concrete repairs were made to the under-deck of pier, the pier deck itself and the concrete curbs. New Concrete curb was installed along with structural steel repairs. A new “D” fender was installed around the pier and the sheet pile wall was extended for the bulkhead and a new concrete cap was poured.